Friday, January 2, 2009

day one

Yesterday was day one of The Great Cloth Diaper Experiment. Less of an experiment, really, and more of a commitment. Do you know how long it takes for disposable diapers to decompose in landfills? Neither do I. Neither do scientists--they guess several hundred years, but the diapers haven't been around long enough to know for sure.

Anyway, we're using these fantastic cloth diapers and, so far, they are indeed fantastic. We had one blow-out last night, but I think that was due to not putting it on tightly enough.

We have about 73 colors (which is a feat since we only have 30 diapers) and Abby looks too cute in them--I'll post a photo soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the great experiment/commitment! Sounds like it's going pretty well and that totally rocks because I like to hear about cloth diapering going well. It gives me hope. (c: Good luck!

P.S. I so didn't know this was here. I do now... Muhahaha!