Saturday, December 31, 2011

things we think we need for Snake Bacon--REVISED 1.2.12

So, like when we had Abby in the womb and were considering what we'd need to bring up a tiny baby, we came up with a list. This list, as you might expect, is much shorter. If you feel called to find something from this list, where possible, please try to find it second-hand or made sustainably (green, fair-trade, etc.). Things that have to be new are noted as such.

pumpkin seat: needs to be new, also needs to fit the stroller we have, so should be from the Evenflo brand
extra "landing pad": it's the plastic thing you fasten in the car that the pumpkin seat fits into
swaddles in a multi-size format or several sizes: like this. What's important is that it wraps the arms and has a velcro closure. Probably need 3-4.
changing table pad: probably needs to be new. I like the ones that are kind of scoop-shaped. It looks like this but that's not the product--that's a cover. We have plenty of those...
under-crib storage bin: probably something like this. Maybe two.

AFTER TAKING SOME MEASUREMENTS, WE REALIZED WE DON'T NEED THIS. WILL RECONSIDER... co-sleeper: it's a crib that attaches to our bed--something like this.

Snake Bacon's second photo

And his/her first ultrasound. Taken 11.23.11: