Sunday, July 19, 2009

...and more photos

We're photo-takin' fools. But who could blame us with this cutie in the house?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

phinally, photos

The Walgreens Experiment was a failure (or a success if you assume that any result of an experiment is just more information and there are no wrong answers, just results) and the Connor Family Management has learned our lesson. We have uploaded some new photos to Her Highness Abigail's photobucket site. Including this one:

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

mistakes were made

...and they're sure not to be the last. Looks like the link I posted in the last post isn't permanent. Was an experiment--and I'll upload photos to the original photo site which does indeed work.

Many apologies.

The Management

Friday, July 10, 2009


As promised, here are some fabulous photos of Abby. Here, too, is a link to more.

Abby conquers the beach

Our Little Duck

Abby's Carrot Experience

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Christmas in July

In addition to several cute outfits from Aunt T, Abby has just received--from our lovely next-door-neighbors and lovely parishioners--the following items (all used, I should note):
  • jogging stroller
  • bicycle sidecar (except it goes in the back...)
  • wading pool
  • lion-shaped scooter/pusher
The girl has a lot of stuff. One wonders how we ever got along before plastic.

In other news, Abby has two teeth which she uses to fiercely gnaw on relatives' fingers, she can scoot herself backwards and in circles, and she loves the ocean. Photos to follow.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Abby's free time

Ever wonder what Abby does in her free time? Wonder no more:

Monday, April 13, 2009

new photo site

Happy Monday, loyal Abby fans! I have just now created a photobucket site for photos of Abby. Click here for the link to the album. Please also enjoy this photo of Abby's reaction to rice cereal.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


This is a fantastic post about stamina and parenting. I'm glad to say I'm not yet (or, more accurately, no longer) at the "I cannot do this" stage. It will come. Probably many times.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

smile time

I have made Abby laugh many times now. It's delightful. Sometimes with tickles, sometimes with a toy, sometimes by making a weird sound, sometimes by just breathing near her--you never know what will set her off. However, each attempt results in exactly one laugh. That is, she'll giggle cutely for a moment and then, when you attempt the same stimulus again, she will look solemnly at you, as if to say, "Mother, do stop that ridiculous activity. It is most unbecoming."

babies and swimming

1 I've heard that infants can swim--I've seen video, even, of infants underwater, paddling, pushing up to the surface. Considering my fear of the water when I was a young child (swimming lessons were terrifying) I wonder if anyone has thoughts or info about swimming lessons for little ones?

2 Also, I found these super-cute swim diapers and infant diaper/swimsuit combos and set up a know, if anyone is interested...

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I've been thinking that I should delve into the world of non-disposable diaper wipes. We're already doing the diaper laundry, so it's no more water and detergent and I just hate throwing stuff away, particularly since I have a Huge Stash 'o' Fabric in the basement. So I found this recipe for "Thine Own Baby Wipes." The question is, anyone know where I can find aloe vera juice and grapefruit seed extract?

EDIT: Have been using reusable diaper wipes for a couple months. Think they're lovely. Don't love them like I love the diapers, but know I'm saving a few bucks, so yay.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

baby update, long overdue

Abby's doing very well, considering. Since her recent round of immunizations on Monday, she's been more fussy and less interested in eating. We took her to the doctor today who said, "Yup, shouldn't have done four immunizations in one day." Huh. Odd coming from the doctor who suggested it in the first place. Anyway, she's got a little yeast and strep infection in her nether regions which she's not too happy about.

It was very difficult this evening to put her to bed. She'd already slept for an hour, but woke up screaming. We changed her, etc, like dutiful parents and still she wailed. I cried. It's hard to see your child so miserable with nothing you can do about it.

She's asleep now, thank goodness.

In other news, Abby's getting stronger and stronger at sitting on her own. Not there yet as she will fall over comically if you sit her up unaided (on soft blankets--what kind of mom do you take me for?). Also showing a good deal of interest in burgers, nachos, and the like. Will start her on rice cereal as soon as the aforementioned comically-falling-over subsides.

Friday, March 13, 2009

pros and cons

the cons first:

  • screaming baby for at least an hour last night because papa was putting her to bed instead of mama and because she hadn't had a nap

  • drool--seriously

  • um...


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

nursing update

Abby and I have tried the nursing thing. I really wanted her to have the immune, etc. boost breast milk gives. Plus, what could be more natural or cheaper? Isn't the human animal amazing that we can not only create but sustain new life?

However, it hasn't gone well. Abby wouldn't take to it and, though we've worked on it for two-and-a-half months with slow, steady progress, it still isn't working. Last week, after a particularly stunning feed (good, I mean), things went downhill. She rejects the breast every time. Instead of bursting into tears and blaming myself for terrible mothering, I've taken this as a sign that it's time to move to formula. Abby'll still get milk because of my fabulous Medela Pump in Style, but that's probably a limited time option. So, Similac, here's to you--I doubt you're doing poorly in this economy.

On a related note, if anyone reading this is willing to be signed up on the Similac site, you'll get coupons for formula in the mail that I could so use. Let me know.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


The title could be taken in multiple ways--we've had several unexpected snow days and got to sit around in our jim-jams. Today, we're chillin with the London Connors. The Neon has gone kaput and we're buying a brand new hybrid to replace it. Abby's napping with Grandma right now.

smile time

I should have noted this long before now, but Abby smiles all the time now. When she recognizes me or her daddy or Cat the babysitter and now her grandparents, she smiles really big, crinkling up her eyes. Sometimes she makes delighted cooing noises. It's all worth it.

In mothering news, I find myself asking rhetorical questions about the weather and the color of things when I'm by myself. Weird.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

mercurial baby

One of Abby's favorite pastimes upon waking is staring at her mobile. It's got jungle animals hanging from an umbrella-like contraption which, when wound, spins and plays a lullaby. Yes, that lullaby. She loves it. Apparently it's hilarious to see the long-nosed elephant swing into view for the 52nd time. Arms and legs go crazy, she smiles and makes loud, pleased sounds.

Then suddenly it is no longer hilarious. Suddenly, Abby is aware of the futility of existence, of the absurdity we all face as we come back to the same actions and foibles which define our lives. Suddenly, the elephant is not dancing around in circles for her amusement but trudging a dark and weary path from which there is no exit. Suddenly, she cries in anger and frustration, screaming in her baby-language, "Why, God, why?"

In other news, she's beginning to try to grab toys held near her.

abby loves staring at things

It's disconcerting to be looked at so intently.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


one doctor had the good sense to suggest that our preoccupation with scientific precision might be disturbing the delicate balance of body chemistry--Motherhood and God by Margaret Hebblethwaite

All new mothers worry, right? My worry in past weeks has been that Abby eat enough. How do we tell if she's eating enough? (1) she has 6-8 wet diapers and at least 1 dirty one every day, (2) she eats for at least 30 minutes each time, (3) she eats 6-8 times per day. You can see how this might become ridiculous. I kept charts for the first month or so--when the diapers happened, precisely how long she ate. I worried constantly when she dipped to 7 feedings a day. There were tears, I'm not going to lie.

It's not that I'm not worried now, but I don't count things any more. She pees like a champ (sorry for scatalogical references, but you're reading a baby's blog, so what do you expect?) and is gaining weight well. And, though we haven't arrived at Nursing Nirvana, things are going very well these days. I suspect that my stress over numbers contributed.

Friday, January 2, 2009

day one

Yesterday was day one of The Great Cloth Diaper Experiment. Less of an experiment, really, and more of a commitment. Do you know how long it takes for disposable diapers to decompose in landfills? Neither do I. Neither do scientists--they guess several hundred years, but the diapers haven't been around long enough to know for sure.

Anyway, we're using these fantastic cloth diapers and, so far, they are indeed fantastic. We had one blow-out last night, but I think that was due to not putting it on tightly enough.

We have about 73 colors (which is a feat since we only have 30 diapers) and Abby looks too cute in them--I'll post a photo soon.