Saturday, March 28, 2009

baby update, long overdue

Abby's doing very well, considering. Since her recent round of immunizations on Monday, she's been more fussy and less interested in eating. We took her to the doctor today who said, "Yup, shouldn't have done four immunizations in one day." Huh. Odd coming from the doctor who suggested it in the first place. Anyway, she's got a little yeast and strep infection in her nether regions which she's not too happy about.

It was very difficult this evening to put her to bed. She'd already slept for an hour, but woke up screaming. We changed her, etc, like dutiful parents and still she wailed. I cried. It's hard to see your child so miserable with nothing you can do about it.

She's asleep now, thank goodness.

In other news, Abby's getting stronger and stronger at sitting on her own. Not there yet as she will fall over comically if you sit her up unaided (on soft blankets--what kind of mom do you take me for?). Also showing a good deal of interest in burgers, nachos, and the like. Will start her on rice cereal as soon as the aforementioned comically-falling-over subsides.

Friday, March 13, 2009

pros and cons

the cons first:

  • screaming baby for at least an hour last night because papa was putting her to bed instead of mama and because she hadn't had a nap

  • drool--seriously

  • um...
